Sunday, February 22, 2009

Pop pop babysits...solo

It had been a few weeks since they have seen each other and they both had a ball. Except for the fact that after a 2 day poop strike, Leo decided to give his Pop pop a nice big diaper full of wedding cake. Pop pop's reply, "that's what babies do." Thanks, Pop pop.

Leo has begun to follow Day-z dog around the room with his eyes but for now his favorite dog is still his stuffed one.

Gangsta Lean

Digg'n the scene with the gansta lean

Standing room only

Leo has amazing leg strength and a lot of the time he likes to stand rather than sit. With a little help from his mom, we get a glimpse of what is to come.

Hello, it's been a while.

Leo makes the same face as the dog on his overalls.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Baby Inspection

Leo got the approval from west coast Aunties Kat and Susie. Susie made sure to only hold Leo when he was happy so that he would have good memories of her.

Both Leo and Popi pass inspection. The next time we will all be together is this Summer on the beach in on of those Carolina's.

In honor of the Aunties visit, Kostis made an amazing carrot cake that we refer to as "pure evil" but none of us could resist it's power and deliciousness.

For more great pictures of the weekend visit Popi's blog and Kat's blog.

At Last

Popi and Leo doing what Kat calls "the moth dance."